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Angelo M.

The Portrait of the Israelites of History: What and how did historians view Israelites?

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

When it comes to identity of people, there’s great pride that accompanies the knowledge of knowing who you are. Identity connects you to a particular people, to a particular history, to a particular culture, to particular spiritual beliefs, to a particular way of worship, to a particular Deity/deities, to a particular covenant made with a Deity/deities, to a particular behavior, to a particular migration/travel route, to a particular land, to a particular place of origin, etc…

There’s so much power connected to identity that when one’s identity is taken from them, then their power is taken from them. When their identity is taken, then their history is taken which gives them nothing to connect to. When you begin to look at all of the nations of the world, every single one of them takes pride in their culture, cultural beliefs, and historical practices. Every single nation of the world today has identity today, EXCEPT the so-called African American. Why is this so detrimental? It’s so detrimental/damaging to us as a people because without our historical connection to our ancestry, we have become domesticated kings and queens unaware. With a domesticated mindset, we have excepted any and all belief systems that were either forced upon us or gave us some sense of blackness.

Today, the so-called African Americans have adopted the term “Stay Woke,” because we are now becoming aware that what we were taught about ourselves are lies. But just because you were awakened to the fact that you were lied to, still doesn’t mean you are awakened to the truth of who you are as a people. Daniel 12:2 “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” The Hebrew word for contempt is dera’own (Strong’s H1860) which means to repulse, shame, abhorring, and abomination. So just because we woke up is not enough, but we have to make sure we have awakened to the right thing! Just because you woke up to a certain thing, a certain way, doesn’t make it your reality if it’s untrue. I’m going to show and prove from history, we are not Kemetic (Egyptian), Hamitic, Buddhists, Hindus, etc… but we are Biblical Hebrews-a Shemitic people.

In this dissertation, we will not be going over scripture for identity, that will be in another segment, however we’ve already covered this in our “Bourne Identity” series under Sabbath teachings. In this segment we will be showing from historians (predominantly white historians) that the ancient Israelites were black and still very much black to this day. These posts containing the documents of historians will prove to you without a shadow of a doubt, that those slaves in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the so-called African Americans, and other ethnic groups of the like, are in fact the Israelite diaspora scattered to the 4 corners of the earth as prophesied in the scriptures. It’s not just African Americans who are descended from Israelites (there are many more, but the focus will be on the African Americans and those diaspora in the Caribbean islands), there are many others in different lands/territories, just to be clear.

You’ll soon find that the characters in the very bible you’ve been taught about aren’t the blonde haired blue-eyed white people you were shown. But rather that they were very much black being in which we descend from. This isn’t a knock against white people or to promote some type of hatred. This is to show/prove that what we were taught, believed, and shown from TV and cemetery, I mean seminary schools (Shade thrown LOL), is identity theft and fraudulent crimes to the core. We as Israelite diaspora’s identity and appearance was taken from us, repackaged, de-faced, and then given back to us. In any mystery or solving of a crime, we have to follow the evidence/breadcrumbs given to us. This alone will prove that the people claiming to be “God’s chosen” are not Biblical Israelites but are imposters/liars.

This was why a lot of times in churches we couldn’t really connect with the one’s being preached about. Why? Because we didn’t know that our biblical ancestors were actually our ancestors because of the deformation of information. Some of this information is not just from me alone, but shout outs to my achis (brothers) Morris Williams Jr., Joshua Cullins, and Benayah Israel from Rebirth of a Nation: Hebrew Nation Building, who aided in my growth in the truth of identity. But those of you that know me, I had to validate, and investigate the information. This is why I’m now presenting it to you. So, we’re going to allow you to follow the picture/portrait of the Israelites through the eyes of historians themselves. We’re going to show the actual book pages, book names, and numbers. A lot of these books are easily accessible from and; I didn't put some sources in this blog, maybe eventually I will. For some more rich sources not included in this blog, go watch the teaching entitled "Dont get it twisted, you're enemy number 1."- I pray that you enjoy and grow using the information. *As a disclaimer, just because the sources say Jews, doesn't mean all of the people are from the tribe of Yahudah (Judah). Jew is a blanket term used by historians for the Israelites, but Judah is the most popular out of all 12 tribes of Israel. So when it reads Jew, it could mean not just Yahudah, but any one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Shalom to you

Now pay attention to how this book describes the Jews' features! The features are described as negroid

Notice this book lecture document written in 1882 states the black color is NOT ONLY FOUND IN INDIVIDUALS AS THE BLACK JEWS OF PORTUGAL, but in the Bicharis people by The Red Sea who's HAIR AND CHARACTERISTICS ARE PERFECTLY SEMITIC! So what does the Bicharis people look like that they're perfectly Semitic? (Should be Shemitic because Noah never had a son name Sem)Let's take a look at the Bicharis appearance

Wow! This is amazing! Looking at the Bicharis, they are black people with braided, wooly hair, and described as a PERFECT LOOKING SEMITE (SHEMITE)

The book states that the African slaves whom they called black Jews were sent in a slave trade to Angola, the Congo, and the island of St. Thomas, right off the west coast of Africa. Pay attention to the description, all of them are described as negro and the most desired by other nations. This is actually the start of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

St. Thomas is also called Sao Tome

Now pay attention to the place marked Soudan. This Soudan isn't to be confused with the country Sudan. Soudan was a territory that stretched from the West coast to Central Africa

Forgive me, it's a little blurry, but it states that the Arabic equivalent to Soudan is Bilad al Sudan which means land of the blacks

Soudan is a 2 part Hebrew Word! So (Strong's H5471)-foreigner/of foreign origin, to conceal; Yudan (Strong's H3063)-Judah/The Southern House. Soudan in Hebrew means Foreigners of Judah or the concealment/hiding of Judah which explains the camouflage/blending of Judah with Hamites

The book states that the Portuguese Jews are all black, who only marry among themselves (which is commanded in Torah), and producing other swarthy children as themselves

Children of the black Jews of Spain and Portugal were forced to be baptized and convert to Roman religion, which is Christianity

This book states that the Jews in the streets of London have an African look of excellence and can never be mistaken, and you can see this from the description, which black people have

The middle paragraph states that King John the 3rd sold the negro Jews who refused to embrace the Roman religion (Christianity), and caused their children to be baptized. Christianity was forced on the Israelites and slavery was the cost of rejecting their way

This is disheartening history of the treatment and punishment of our ancestors which are black Jews who did not accept Christianity.

Book Entitled" The History-The destruction of the City and Temple of Jerusalem The Ruin and dispersion of the Jewish Nation" pg 180

"The Jews of Spain and Portugal and the Inquisition by Mocatta, Frederic David page 62-63

*Pg 85 states like the black Jews in America, some of the Jews of Guinea don't remember their original nationality (Isaiah 1:3)*

*Understand from the maps that the Bantu (Bantu means "The People"-a different people from the Hamitic nations) people which are predominantly Hebrew/Israelite predominantly migrated South of the Sahara (Sub Sahara) to West, Central, and South Africa*

*Notice in the book it states that many whites thought ALL Jews were black or brown and The Duchess d'Abrantes said the Jew, the negro, and the Portuguese could be seen in A SINGLE PERSON*

*It's interesting that white historians from the 1800s and older had no problem drawing, painting, or disclosing the color of the Israelites, that seems to be a 20th century phenomenon, wanting to hide the truth with lies*

This is pg 130 of the book "Nature Knows No Color Lines"

John Bigelow states that the Jews in Jamaica were all negroid! Very Interesting

pg 83 of The Penetration of Black Jews in Ghana

This book gives us a hint of our position in America as it was in ancient Kemet (Mitzraim/Egypt)-taken from a presentation I did entitled "Eyes Wide Shut"

*Even in Europe, the royal Families and black/African presence flourished throughout Europe: Here are some quotes from well known historians proving that fact*

¨Professor Winchell Alexander, Our Remote Ancestry, 1815-1900 Collection of Journals

¨“These short black men came from Atlantis, Northern Africa and they overran Europe, They were known as Britains”

¨Roman Historian Tacitus, The Origins of the Black Britains

¨“The Iberians are black people with curly hair”-Anthrological Review London Society V.8

¨Joseph Ritson-Annals of Caledonian Picts and Scots V. 2 pgs 7,12

¨“The Picts/Brits are brown complexioned with curly hair”

¨Ivan Sertima-African presence in Early Europe pg 225

¨“The Britains look like Ethiopians”

¨Albert Churchward, 1912- Origins and Evolutions pgs 12-13

¨“The Black Basque were exterminated from Europe”

¨Professor Boyd Dawkins-Our Earliest Ancestors, Bygone days a lecture on 1/8/1879

¨“The ancient Britains, Irish, Scots, are a short black people”

¨Dr. Thurnam-Nature Journal of Science pg 92

¨“From the evidence at hand, it seems that the Iberian occupied the whole of western Europe at one time”

¨Professor Huxley, 1870-The Iberian Race pg 332

¨“The Iberian/Blaque/Blacks bones have been found all over Europe with his animals”

*These are the men that I used and as can be seen, they are European except for one. Again they had no problem sharing about color*

*Even King James in whom we thought was white is actually black and we can obviously see it from the long line of Stuarts in which is his family line*

*This is a source depicting King James of your King James 1611 as black, from the area he ruled from. Now let me give you something to ponder over*

*One of the Stuart Kings of England and Scotland, King Charles II, also lovingly known as the “black boy” of England by his subjects. He was the grandson of King James of the 1611 KJV bible.

He is commemorated in the celebrated name of the Black Boy Inn, found all over the British Isle.*-This guy doesn't look like a little black boy to me, so obviously historically the painting was whitewashed during the Renaissance period*

*Just going to show other blacks called Europeans through paintings/art*

*This last document I'm going to show, shows that some blacks in Europe say they are from the House of King David and have traced it back-given by Benayah Israel*

To end this segment, let me show you from a small portion of the slaves that carried Yah's name in their name. If you understand scripture, then you understand that there was only 1 NATION OF PEOPLE that carried Yah's name, because He was the Deity that originally made a covenant with them and called them His. The Israelites!!!!

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May 19, 2023

That was amazing well researched information. The Truth can NEVER be kept in the dark. We are in the last days and ALL is being revealed. For information on what we built and the suppressed information of our identity and accomplishments prior to the English, Irish, Scottish and European genocide please visit


May 01, 2021

Excellent Work! The older documents that were once hidden have become more accessible (esp. since the pandemic). I would like to leave some links to some of these Institutions where people can access these and other related documents.

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